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Old 05-06-2009, 11:58 PM
Whim Whim is offline
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I've thought the same thing about ranks - they might be influenced a bit too much by pools in comparison to other factors. Since we have a bunch of rank-based stuff in the works, this might be brought more into focus in the near future. I'll be keeping an eye on it.

More crafting materials are coming very soon (the next area, the Hallowed Scar, will introduce some). I have no plans as of yet for more plain "drop salvage" in zones; the upcoming crafting mats are event-based rewards. Never know, though.

I also strongly agree with you about True Impartials in Trials. The current system is clumsy and it sucks. Since the Scar is Trials-related, I'll try to fix up that system once it's released.
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Old 05-07-2009, 04:42 AM
Eternal1 Eternal1 is offline
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I don't know what you're talking about Odinn....I am the best tank there is....nojohrs pwn as tanks =P

First point: this game needs more noob incentives/advertisement. Instead of trying to keep all the vets (which I think is important) things should be geared towards making the growth/noob stuff more fun.

Second point: see first point....that's all I really think. More noobs, more turnover if that is what it takes....but get the noobs in here and we'll keep them around


Eternal, the biggest veteran noob
Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the strength to do what is right in the face of it.
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Old 05-08-2009, 06:31 AM
Iron Iron is offline
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Default Zones

I think a few zones could use some updates. Some are highly underused.

One that comes to mind right away is Bhalin. It's primary use seems to be for people to get pets. It is pretty rare to see people running there. When there are people there it is almost exclusively running goolms. I've never seen anybody actually running the gnomes (I wonder if most even bother with them for trials). Goolms hit hard, but the gold is decent if you can kill them quick enough. Gnomes have shields, hit hard and the gold really sucks. Same for much of the other random mobs around. This zone could use a big overhaul to make it more attractive.

Pen, the % invis/hidden for yeriwyr's could use some reduction (or remove the invis part completely). Not all classes get spiffy sights. At least reduce it so that it doesn't take a full minute of spamming kill to actually hit something.

I am sure there are other zones that could use a little spit shine these days.
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Old 05-08-2009, 02:02 PM
Tomb Tomb is offline
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Default practiced abilities

How do you feel about this: practiced abilities should incur an increase in pool costs? Reason: more power, more energy drain.
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Old 05-09-2009, 05:28 AM
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Not all practised abilities use pools
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Old 05-10-2009, 07:28 AM
Tomb Tomb is offline
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Default bash/trip

Being bashed and tripped out for 3+ rounds seems a bit OP, anyone else agree? that is, how 'bout setting bash and trip out to the way it was pre->100% jacking!? Or how 'bout, take away practicing over 100% entirely! Well, I guess that's a bit extreme - unless the notion of augment takes on a re-definition.
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Old 05-10-2009, 03:17 PM
Fenulia Fenulia is offline
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Originally Posted by Tomb View Post
7) Moral v Immoral Clit matches that either affects the trial score, or is independent of it :P
I'll get down with that.

In all seriousness, and resurrecting a by-now 5 year old whine: Get rid of the blatant bias against the skill Stun. Otherwise, let Hakanai Shouten break through Stun Immunity(Immunity% minus Perfection%, remainder=% chance to get stunned). Having to deal with Impairment Immunity is bad enough. Stun Immunity is specifically targetted at Monks and Ninjas, and only Monks can get around it(Temple Touch instead). All other impairments(If memory serves) don't get affected.
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Old 05-10-2009, 05:21 PM
Tomb Tomb is offline
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Default news

Quote: "(5-10-09, 11:22am) XXX tells you, 'mortal affairs should go into the updates! :P heh'"

How 'bout a little journal of news of Nodekian happenings - or anything related [like an exposition on ethics]. [Player written of course - I'm sure the staff has enough on their hands dealing with the mortals :P] Just about a few lines of weekly happenings with your clan or other player activity causing a buzz or anything that interests you - and that would interest others to read.

Here, I'll start [this one turns into fiction in a hurry]

This week in Nodeka: mad hatters and haters continue to torment the staff with random text clippings. The messages are made up of pics that are organized with screen text - in color; as well as, naked ascii text depicting anatomical male/female organs (not all human, including some plant life)! Now with the content of the threats, we are able to penetrate the mind of the suspected author. Though she will remain an Un-named One, the sociopath extraordinaire conveys visions of dreams in a Nodekian time-stream which our present history is barreling towards. Warning the beloved Nijlo of a threat on par with Agent Smith in the Matrix trilogy. An exact quote from the linguistic assassin goes: "The machine elves [picture of a flower giving the finger goes here] sparkle sparkle unicorns [picture of left big toe with a capital N on it] Chaaaaaaaaaarlie [picture of a half-eaten sphinx goes here] make me < demiking > now, to save Nodeka from the coming threat..." The staff is presently seeking an exorcist, as well as psychiatric assistance [for themselves] - also, some shamans - to track down the madwomen. If you have any useful information, please email the staff at <gets in text-jet> Blastoff!! Reporter Tomb signing out from the beyond!

All in jest :P

Oh right the point, some kinda Nodekian news letter [outside of updates] that are player written. Thanks for listening and reading, if your attention still lives!
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Old 05-17-2009, 03:29 PM
berengei berengei is offline
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Default Weapons and Botchecks

I think that an interesting skill and one that may restore some balance to the game would be the ability to “break” a weapon. The weapon breakage could only occur in combat. The weapon need not be permanently broken. In fact I think that an alternate skill would be “repair” weapon.

Skill: BREAK WEAPON – Automatic with prevent

At 100% it might have a 2-4% break weapon rate with a 30 minute prevent

At 605% it might have a 10-15% break weapon rate with a 10 minute prevent

When role for breaking a weapon is successful, a second role for the amount- unsable vs damaged. A damaged weapon would have negative affects applied to it (like reverse infuscated marbling the weapon). This affect would be permanent until another action was made against the weapon.

Possible way of repairing the weapon:

Using a marble (would compare to base weapon stats like normal).


Skill: REPAIR WEAPON- long prevent (1 hour)

At 100% - restores weapon to base stats

At 605% - functions like marble with a lower SU rate when repair the weapon (may be to op in your opinion, in which class just don’t make the skill scalable).


Break Weapon: Barbs- with their overwhelming power, particular during rage/vehemence/etc (strength/will would affect the skill)

Monks- catches your *insert name of weapon* in his/her hands and snaps it in half/damages your weapon (dex/agi/speed would affect the skill)

Nojohr: using his intmate knowledge of weapons, identifies the weakness in your weapon and attacks it.

Obviously monks have no weapons to break.

Repair Weapon: Nojohr



I think that it would be cool if when you get a botcheck either with the first or second notification if a mob with random name appeared (no appearance message) and attacked you. There would be some response required to stop the attack or win. Perhaps passing the botcheck or even better have to pledge allegiance to “largest mob in the zone”. The botcheck mob should/could emote what your are supposed to do to end the attack. The attacks would start off fairly wimpy, but would increase dramatically in each round (similar to the way that monstrous fury increases with time) so that if you did not either kill it quickly or “give the exit answer” it would eventually rk you.

I think that this would be a stronger bot deterent and increase then need to have at least one storm crystal to keep your “op equipment”. I think that rd’ing should be a bigger risk/part of the game. If nothing else it would help to equalize big players and smaller players if people started losing equipment. It would also refocus people on running loaders that currently exist in the game as well as crafted
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Old 05-19-2009, 08:27 AM
Eternal1 Eternal1 is offline
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Default Are You Kidding Me!?!

Make flame channel default OFF

Make it only available to level 300 characters....

Return it to the ONLY channel on this game where you can say WHATEVER you jest, in fun....for whatever reason you please....

totally censoring all channels of "improper language" is completely bogus....

tog it off til level 300....give an appropriate warning if you choose to tog it on....

this is BS!

my thoughts....heh

Eternal, flamer4life! =P
Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the strength to do what is right in the face of it.
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