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Old 08-27-2008, 04:01 PM
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Sasuke Sasuke is offline
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Would it be good to make malignant injury drain endurance also?
Would it help stop people from recalling, or running away? And could it be used to seperate people from their pets? What about preventing them from spamming things that are going to kill you or lock you in battle?
Does it fit the description?

"Malignant injury is a highly strategic ability. What this ability attempts to
do is injury the target in such a way that he or she slowly dies after a short
period of time in which the affects of the injury kick in.

Interestingly enough, when a target is malignantly injured the affects don't
show immediately. Instead, the target is seemingly unaffected for some time
before the injury starts taking affect. However, once the injury begins
affecting the target, the damage done can be amazingly overwhelming.

The amount of damage done to the target is based on the user's dexterity. The
amount of time that must pass before the target begins to feel the affects of
the injury is based on the user's wisdom - the more wise the inlay of the
injury, the more immediate the affects.

Malignant injury is often used right before retreating. Generally, this ability
requires the footpad take shelter for a short period of time while waiting for
the affects to kick in. Once returning, the footpad often will find a half-dead
opponent who is much easier to prey on.

Be warned, this ability will gain the user very little when used as a direct
form of attack. This ability has strong ties to the footpads attack and retreat
strategy, further enabling the footpad to avoid prolonged combat at any cost.

Lastly, when using malignant injury a single attack is made towards the
opponent which attempts to open an injury. If the attack does not hit the
opponent, the injury, obviously, will not set in."

Last edited by Sasuke; 01-21-2011 at 10:01 AM.
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Old 08-27-2008, 04:07 PM
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Sasuke Sasuke is offline
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I have heard that Takushiki is suppose to help shadow in the up/down direction, and i have tested this multiple times. I does not work in the up/down direction and that would be a great improvement. Especially with the recent improvement to shadow.


Usage: automatic

Takushiki, also known as clearsightedness, works directly with Shadow. It has
been rumored to offer increased range of sight and possible offering an even
greater range than hunt. Takushiki will automatically improve as Shadow is used
and cannot be triggered in any other way. Takushiki will offer no benefits
until it is nearly mastered, but when such a point is reached, it will assist
the user correctly and without fail."

Art of imbalance was ment to trip people with flying.
Also combined with trip it prevents the other player from performing certain actions. This is fabulos and it would be greatly improved if it prevented the other person form battle locking you. Seeing as how a person lying on the ground should not be able to stop you from leaving.

"Art of imbalance:

This art grants the skill-bearer the understanding of how to offset balance.
By combining this skill with other skills, it has been rumored that one can
dislodge a target's sense of equilibrium, even when circumstances argue against
that possibility. Through this dislodging, many an affect has been rumored to
take place.

As this skill is automatic, little is known about its primal affects. Only the
skill-bearers, themselves, fully understand the art of imbalance.

Note: this skill is automatic, mastery and use of art of imbalance requires no
user input with the exception of using a skill which taps into its power."

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Old 08-27-2008, 04:54 PM
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Sasuke Sasuke is offline
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IMO footpads need:
1) more kungfu
2) more escapes
3) a way out of battle lock
4) additional DoT attacks, possibly as the kungfu
5) a stronger base class
the above 2 posts were for points 2 and 3, not perfect but good starting points.

for points 1 and 4 and 5:


Usage: hire <mob name>

Most of the creatures in the Nodekian realm are fairly friendly and eager
to make a quick dollar. Should you require assistance in your travels, you
may attempt to persuade them with gold to join in your cause. The more
skilled the mob is, the more they will charge for their time. You must also
treat your newfound partner with respect, lest they should become upset and
turn against you.

Yes hire. alot of other classes get pets, and I would love to hire some nodekian mobs that will help raise my gpm, tank a few rounds in pvp, heal/buff me be ordered to ambush someone.... the list of posibilities goes on and I think this will greatly increase the footpad's potential.

Another way to add "kungfu" may be to give a critical tactics racial attack bonus to singularity of focus. And set it on a different prev from fate or decrease it's prev time.

Singularity of focus:

Usage: singularity of focus

Although this skill requires an enormous drain of the body's energy to
activate, its effects are well worth the cost. For a temporary period of time,
a shadow rogue will be able to use singularity of focus to occasionally
transform his or her stratagem of the cloak attack into a fully powered
critical attack. Due to the enormous drain of this skill on the body's energy,
even the greatest rogues may only use this skill sporadically and require long
periods of time to recover before again activating this skill after an initial
use. It has been rumored that a rogue of sound physical condition can maintain
the affects of this skill for a longer period of time than his more poorly
constituted brethren and that the wiser rogues are more adept at successfully
using the power of singularity of focus to transform stratagem attacks.

and finally
Silent malevolence:

Usage: automatic

The assassin's best friend. Only thieves and joufus obtain this incredibly
intense ability. Silent malevolence uses the the cunning nature of the thief
or joufu to allow them to move in a manner which seems as though they are not
moving, which prevents their opponents from defending themselves, as they
normally would. Although healthy opponents are usually too alert to allow
themselves fall victim to this malicious form of attack, it is rumored that
even those in perfect condition can sometimes fail to see this attack coming.
Thieves and joufus need to also be at least the equal of their opponent in
terms of their dexterity versus their opponent's agility. An opponent who is
too fast, will be able to avoid this form of attack every time. However, the
true power of silent malevolence is that it will almost always kill an
opponent outright, if it is successful. Beware...

The assassin's best friend, I would like to see this reimplemented. Obviously not as powerful as it was before, and
attacks cannot be dodged/parried or a bit of ignoring nr, or a substancial +hit. would be a good start. (which could be further be helped by stealth's +hit bonus)

Again with the same concept of altering already existing passive hiding techiniques to also benefit combat effectiveness.

Unseen Motion:

Usage: unseen motion (self-only)

For those who are extremely agile, it's possible to move about the world
without being seen, this type of movement is unseen motion. Although
seemingly useless at first glance, unseen motion is a great way to surprise
hapless foes and attack them before giving them a chance to see you've arrived.
Unseen motion will improve as the agility of the user improves.

If you cant see movement i.e. cant see the attack comming, it shoulnt be able to be parried/dodged/evaded.

And finally my last idea before im drained.
Winded passage:

Usage: winded passage (self-only)

The movement of the winds can often be used as a great ally for thieves. When
such a thief has mastered their body's agility and has great discipline of the
mind (willpower), it is possible for him or her to move at will without leaving
any scent or tracks. This type of movement is procured by moving with the wind
thus leaving no scent to be smelled or prints to be followed. Only the master
thieves have been known to cover any distance without a single trail.

Ya i realize that this is suppose to be a tracking move and if you are moving with the wind shoulnt you move slightly faster and with slightly less energy?
This could be manifestied by reduced lag in initiating combat, end tail lag, nimming lag (which btw I havent looked into since its improvement), and general movement lag. Nothing big, 100% chance to reduce lag by 5-10% would help in alot of situations like vanishing from a battle lock or getting extra kunfu in before dissapering. And reduced endurance drain on all actions. (again not very big)
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Last edited by Sasuke; 01-21-2011 at 10:01 AM.
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Old 08-27-2008, 05:38 PM
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Sasuke Sasuke is offline
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Stratagem of the cloak

Usage: automatic

Some of the finer things in life are hard to come by, such as the famous troll
dish the "pixee-mixee" which requires at least seven pixies to be properly
prepared. Another such thing which is hard to come by, is the skill stratagem
of the cloak.

The reason why this skill is moderately difficult to attain is due its
requirements. First off, you need a someone skilled in critical attack. So
we're probably going to need a footpad. Secondly, you need someone skilled in
the ways of cloak. So, we're probably going to need a footpad. Thirdly, you
need someone who knows this skill, stratagem of the cloak (obviously).
So we're probably going to need a footpad. In addition, we need all of the
above in a single being. So we're probably going to need a footpad.

So what we really need here is one badass footpad. And that's exactly what
is required for this skill to work. Stratagem of the cloak is a very powerful
skill that uses the advantages of early target study, through the advantage of
a hidden attacker to lay in an early and painful blow to a victim. Let's say
that again, in a more comprehensible form.

Here are the required ingredients for making stratagem of the cloak work:

- Critical attack
- Critical attack covering the attacker in a cloak
- A proficient level of stratagem of the cloak (obviously)

When all three of the above line up (and the Suns are at exactly 45 degrees
from the most northern ridge of Gedaon ... no, no, no, we're kidding) this
skill makes the user all the more deadly. In short, it allows the attacker to
fire off a quick ambush-like attack before the victim can prepare for defense.
This being the case, stratagem of the cloak has some key advantages:

- It cannot be parried
If you don't know it's coming, how can you block it?

- It cannot be dodged
If you don't know it's coming, how can you avoid it?

- It cannot be evaded
If you don't know it's coming ... ok, I think you get the point.

Unfortunately, if the attacker is so pathetic with his aim, this attack can
miss its target from time to time (old Gronkre'l use to blow his stratagem of
the cloak daily. He wasn't the most accurate old geezer).

In addition to the above, when stratagem of the cloak works (even if it misses)
it will initiate battle, obviously. The real advantage here is that along with
starting a little rumble between two folks, the attacker is already one step
into isolating their victim's weaknesses and finding that critical
vulnerability. This is where the true power of stratagem lies: insofar as the
attacker gets an initial, painful swiping (stratagem of the cloak) which should
then lead to an extremely painful critical blow (critical attack) which may put
the victim into that permanent sleeping state, we like to call, death.

The basic point of this skill is that it's only available to masters of
critical attack and cloak, but when in the hands of a master, it can easily
make them much more deadly then before. It should also be noted that the
intellect of the target can greatly assist him in seeing this attack before
it's too late. When all's said and done four attributes will determine whether
or not stratagem is successful:

- Attacker's dexterity and skill percent
- Victim's intellect and experience (level)

In addition, the amount of damage which is incurred by stratagem is directly
reflectant upon the attacker's dexterity. Like the old saying goes, the more
dextrous the thief, the more deadly the thief.

Finally, stratagem of the cloak does drain endurance (in addition to the
endurance drained by critical attack). If the attacker does not have the
required endurance for this skill to be used, this skill won't be used
(obviously). See "skill <class>" for more details on the endurance used for
stratagem of the cloak.

Great description!

It would be good to notice that you dont NEED cloak for it to trigger. And that the damage is very random. Does "An early painful blow" sound like somethign that would impare you? I like the though behind the process, and with a little work it could be significantly improved.
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Last edited by Sasuke; 01-21-2011 at 10:01 AM.
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Old 08-27-2008, 05:45 PM
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Sasuke Sasuke is offline
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I do agree with Sasuke's original point that footies could use some development, but I don't have a lot to say about the post itself because it's kind of scattershot and random. Development starts with a focused goal, and I think pointing out that goal (for example, discussing whether footpads need more reliable "outs" from hand-to-hand combat or alternately better in-combat effectiveness) would be a better first step to discussion.
I hope this will help refocus some of the areas that could be improved and I realize that max stats, and good equipment would help out in every situation. Im definately working on it almost maxed
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Last edited by Sasuke; 01-21-2011 at 10:01 AM.
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Old 08-28-2008, 03:49 AM
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More escapes! are you fucking nuts?
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Old 08-28-2008, 04:09 AM
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not more escapes.. plz read the last page and a half of posts, he asked for more focus on specific areas, and i have my suggestions.
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Old 08-28-2008, 04:23 AM
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Serenity Serenity is offline
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Gee I must not be able to read correct then cause I am damn sure point 2 reads MORE ESCAPES... but hey my wordblindness might be affecting me there.
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Old 08-28-2008, 12:43 PM
Odinn Odinn is offline
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No I am not nuts.

Footpads need to be able to leave battle more than any other class.

Footpads rely on out of combat damage, so naturally they will be good at not getting in combat. Given the squishiness of footpads I would say that more escapes would be a wonderful thing.

One more escape would be a great addition, but it needs to be different from the current ones, this needs to be !battle lock, give it a downside to the footpad- who cares. Footpads just need to leave combat.

And for another point:

Footpads should have parry.
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Old 08-28-2008, 08:50 PM
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Sasuke Sasuke is offline
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We have 3 escapes, and does nameless have 4? or is directional on the same prev.

Any who, if trip + art of imablance incurred an anti-battle lock affect for 2-3 seconds, that woulud be far more than enough.
Further more if Malignant injury took out endurance they woulnt be able to
2-run away
3-battle lock you. / impair you

Thus you can escape battle without handing out another escape.

My point in the previous posts (the italics were just the descriptions)
Was to take already existing (active/passive) abilities and make them compatitble with combat. thus increasing combat effectiveness

Plz let me know what you think in regard to those suggestions:

Would it be good to make malignant injury drain endurance also?
Would it help stop people from recalling, or running away? And could it be used to seperate people from their pets? What about preventing them from spamming things that are going to kill you or lock you in battle?
Does it fit the description?
I have heard that Takushiki is suppose to help shadow in the up/down direction, and i have tested this multiple times. I does not work in the up/down direction and that would be a great improvement. Especially with the recent improvement to shadow.
Art of imbalance was ment to trip people with flying.
Also combined with trip it prevents the other player from performing certain actions. This is fabulos and it would be greatly improved if it prevented the other person form battle locking you. Seeing as how a person lying on the ground should not be able to stop you from leaving.
Yes hire. alot of other classes get pets, and I would love to hire some nodekian mobs that will help raise my gpm, tank a few rounds in pvp, heal/buff me be ordered to ambush someone.... the list of posibilities goes on and I think this will greatly increase the footpad's potential.
Another way to add "kungfu" may be to give a critical tactics racial attack bonus to singularity of focus. And set it on a different prev from fate or decrease it's prev time.
Unseen motions- If you cant see movement i.e. cant see the attack comming, it shoulnt be able to be parried/dodged/evaded.
Winded Passage - Ya i realize that this is suppose to be a tracking move and if you are moving with the wind shoulnt you move slightly faster and with slightly less energy?
This could be manifestied by reduced lag in initiating combat, end tail lag, nimming lag (which btw I havent looked into since its improvement), and general movement lag. Nothing big, 100% chance to reduce lag by 5-10% would help in alot of situations like vanishing from a battle lock or getting extra kunfu in before dissapering. And reduced endurance drain on all actions. (again not very big)
Stratagem of the cloak - It would be good to notice that you dont NEED cloak for it to trigger. And that the damage is very random. Does "An early painful blow" sound like somethign that would impare you? I like the though behind the process, and with a little work it could be significantly improved.
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Last edited by Sasuke; 01-21-2011 at 10:02 AM.
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