Thread: RK Rules Poll
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Old 01-13-2008, 05:28 PM
Odinn Odinn is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Memphis
Posts: 93
Default Re:RK Rules Poll

What are RK rules you may ask.

Simple put, RK rules are restrictions put into the nodeka code to decrease the chance of player RDeath.

Current Rules( as best I know ):
When player A is fighting a mob and player B attacks player A, if the mobile gets the kill hit on Player A, then it its treated as a PDeath and not a RDeath.

When a player with a PK flag attacks another player fighting a mobile who does not have a PK flag the PK Flagged player may not flee from combat.

Players who are fighting mobiles may not be attacked with targeted ranged attacks(ex throw, telekinetic projection, shoot, etc)

I will add more as I think of them or am reminded of them.
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