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Old 05-10-2009, 05:21 PM
Tomb Tomb is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 21
Default news

Quote: "(5-10-09, 11:22am) XXX tells you, 'mortal affairs should go into the updates! :P heh'"

How 'bout a little journal of news of Nodekian happenings - or anything related [like an exposition on ethics]. [Player written of course - I'm sure the staff has enough on their hands dealing with the mortals :P] Just about a few lines of weekly happenings with your clan or other player activity causing a buzz or anything that interests you - and that would interest others to read.

Here, I'll start [this one turns into fiction in a hurry]

This week in Nodeka: mad hatters and haters continue to torment the staff with random text clippings. The messages are made up of pics that are organized with screen text - in color; as well as, naked ascii text depicting anatomical male/female organs (not all human, including some plant life)! Now with the content of the threats, we are able to penetrate the mind of the suspected author. Though she will remain an Un-named One, the sociopath extraordinaire conveys visions of dreams in a Nodekian time-stream which our present history is barreling towards. Warning the beloved Nijlo of a threat on par with Agent Smith in the Matrix trilogy. An exact quote from the linguistic assassin goes: "The machine elves [picture of a flower giving the finger goes here] sparkle sparkle unicorns [picture of left big toe with a capital N on it] Chaaaaaaaaaarlie [picture of a half-eaten sphinx goes here] make me < demiking > now, to save Nodeka from the coming threat..." The staff is presently seeking an exorcist, as well as psychiatric assistance [for themselves] - also, some shamans - to track down the madwomen. If you have any useful information, please email the staff at <gets in text-jet> Blastoff!! Reporter Tomb signing out from the beyond!

All in jest :P

Oh right the point, some kinda Nodekian news letter [outside of updates] that are player written. Thanks for listening and reading, if your attention still lives!
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