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Old 10-01-2009, 12:11 AM
Syveril Syveril is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 43

Splitting crafted gear into "fighter" and "caster" gear isn't a practical solution. Casters generally choose to wear gear other than speed, because they need their casting stats to boost their spellups and spells. And what would they do with all those attacks without hit/dam/physical intensification/!dodge/!parry/!NR/impairments/decent weapon dice to back it up? It's fighter classes that can wear 800 speed at a time.

I still think dam/speed gear is out of line. And that's why I'm wearing it. I'm looking forward to Whim nudging down dam/speed gear (at least the +dam portion of it) and boosting hit/dex. I think it's still pretty hard to fit dex/hit onto your gear (does anyone aside from footpads wear dex on purpose? What about hit outside of hit/dam?), so a boost would definitely help that.
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