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Old 04-28-2009, 05:32 PM
Tomb Tomb is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 21
Default more of the same

He11o a11 :P

I think Nodeka is alright the way it is - I would like to see a larger pbase though! I think the trials and the race changes are really nice additions in the past few months. Praise to the staff for that. But as for things within the staff's immediate power, how do these sound:

1) A gambling/banking system - betting on trials or cits. Why? Fun-safe-addicting gambling! I'd like to see a debt system with this gamble setup too. And a loan system. The more you bet and take on debt, and meet obligations etc that should increase your limits to bet and suffer penalty. I think to restrict abuse, the best thing to do is require a minimum of 100k rank to take out loans etc - but not limit small players from betting etc :P

2) As for cits, my bias opinion is to not let people's group in battle cits :P If they want to group, go to a class with pets!! Nothing personal against anyone who groups or groups against me :P Flanking certainly accounts for my little tiny tiny small amount of OPness, as well as others! :P

3) I'd like to see my followers sustain 110% of the time!! JKN!! calm down

3) I'd like to see some more quests, that are similar to the trials, but A LOT harder and time-intensive [none of this 7 days kill 3000 mobs in a zone with only 125 mobs per 90 min repop <drop kicks that>]. More time, would give us another thing to keep us occupied on the side at our leisure! :P

4) How 'bout roaming pets - every class gets a random set of pets with various abilities. Why? To spy on people - and account for our own, if ya know what I mean!? The pets will have no power, just a little spy that can do limited things - as in, tell you when a zone repops, or track down NPCs only etc.

5) More crafting!! I'm sure Whim is already working hard on it :P Just sending him some love here <3 Thanks far the hard work!

Ps feel free to comment and hate on this post! Don't be afraid to share your opinions no matter how silly you think it sounds. Let the spoken voice something something - ran out of metaphorical fanciness.
Pss 11:11, 22, etc etc 'and things of this nature'
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