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Old 11-22-2008, 07:25 AM
Fenulia Fenulia is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 69

Hakanai Shouten is supposed to make stun relevant in combat. Unfortunately, the +hit/-hit it provides is not quite enough to make up the difference. Especially against Warlocks and anyone else with Stun protection/impairment invulnerability. I feel that anti-impairments need to be less either/or.

Trackless movement: Design decision. Seems like all the various "stealthy" classes(Footpads, Ninjas, Marauders, Hunters) lack in a single aspect. More, the less stealthy they are "supposed to be".

Below are the various aspects of "stealthiness":
Lack !distance magic(visit, port, who command): Hunters/Footpads
Lack cloak: Hunters(all but 1 sub), Marauders.
Lack unseen motion: Marauders.
Lack palm: Only Footpads and Marauders have this. Ninjas and Shadow Tholecs can kind of accomplish this while cloaked.
Lack movement impairment(Enmesh, North Wind): Ninjas, Marauders.
Lack tracking skill(Hunt/Shadow/Shi-ku): Marauders
Lack ambush: Marauders
Lack trackless movement: Ninjas

What's up with Marauders anyways? They're not exactly stealthy, not exactly fightery, but superior to Ninja overall. Seems like 2 classes trying to fill the same niche.

Anyways, the only use I've found for leaving tracks behind is to lead people into an ambush, but as has been reiterated multiple times, ambush just becomes irrelevant the further up the HP ladder you go. About the same as banded smiting, actually.
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