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Old 09-30-2009, 11:07 PM
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grimm grimm is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 78

I kinda agree with argh on the casting position of created items.

Why is that warlocks get to cast its weapons in combat and other classes don't (valks, marauders,footpad, etc)

Why is it prejudice towards melee? I reckon its about time all class-specific castable weapons should only be able to made out of combat.

I mean in an RP sense it takes awhile to call out and transmute and item and then start fighting. You can't be swinging arms and the channel to create an item. They just don't appear in a second. Well IMO.

An for warlocks, wicked fidelity is a cool spell and that being able to cast in battle is fine. but allow to be castable on items worn on hand and then give it a lag to it. I think that's a cooler way to implement. I imagine a warlock weilding its claymore. in the heat of the fight, its dying. and he is compelled to reshape his claymore to falx. he yells and his claymore glows a shady yellow, he begins to swing his sword and as it reaches its target the glow sparks a bright light and fades and all that is visible is the falx smashing into the head of its adversary.

Now, how wicked fidelity works is, warlock fights. ohnoes he's dying he wants his falx. he needs to jump aside. get off battle stance, stops and looks at his weapon cast his spell on it, and wield it and say haha i'm ready to fight again....good lord that sounds boring.....
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Last edited by grimm; 03-10-2011 at 02:52 AM.
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