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Old 05-08-2009, 06:31 AM
Iron Iron is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 47
Default Zones

I think a few zones could use some updates. Some are highly underused.

One that comes to mind right away is Bhalin. It's primary use seems to be for people to get pets. It is pretty rare to see people running there. When there are people there it is almost exclusively running goolms. I've never seen anybody actually running the gnomes (I wonder if most even bother with them for trials). Goolms hit hard, but the gold is decent if you can kill them quick enough. Gnomes have shields, hit hard and the gold really sucks. Same for much of the other random mobs around. This zone could use a big overhaul to make it more attractive.

Pen, the % invis/hidden for yeriwyr's could use some reduction (or remove the invis part completely). Not all classes get spiffy sights. At least reduce it so that it doesn't take a full minute of spamming kill to actually hit something.

I am sure there are other zones that could use a little spit shine these days.
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