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Old 07-21-2009, 06:30 PM
Fenulia Fenulia is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 69

Berengei: Interesting point, but there's the possibility a bigger player will make an alt to get the "fantastic" rates. Unless the rates aren't that "great", in which case, they're right back to being behind the curve. Instead, I would prefer to see that maybe the mortals can do some mini-quests in these limited zones, and the mini-quests instead grant permanent increases(any of the 8 stats, perhaps 100 to each pool, even 5 practices). Nothing that a major would really want to bother with, but enough that a mortal could hit base 100s with say, 2-3k in all pools(perhaps each quest raises a single pool at a time, so a Ninja doesn't get mana and unintentionally increase their rank/target profile, for example) by the time they hit 100(or within 100 days, same as the PK protection).
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