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Old 12-26-2008, 04:10 AM
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grimm grimm is offline
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Originally Posted by Torment View Post
Nice idea, not to OP and easy to counter, would the target be able to redirect? And Im guessing the skill couldnt work if you were locked, Either way its a cool idea, I'd just have to make sure that I wrinkle you IE en 'wrinkle' izz, or is that not the idea?
The thing with this spell is that it sets up the target in away that he has no knowledge that s/he is fighting someone else. It's coded that to the target it's just the ninja in the room and no one else. So if say the ninja is "izzral". If s/he spams cast 'lightning' izzral, it's gonna hit the spirit-fog.

The counterability is only calculated during the casting phase. If the target's stats are unable to beat the ninja's, s/he won't be able to see through the fog.

If s/he counters it, yes, then s/he can redirect(if not locked yet) to izzral or just kill the fog.

The only way to break out of it, if the fog was successful, (as was mention) is that the target takes notice of how fast the fog and your HP is dropping. This makes the gameplay abit more challenging as you would actually need to concentrate on all matters of the battle. So if you figure out that you're fighting a fog you can try flee from it thus breaking the spell.

On another note. Few secrets can be added to this spell.
Such as it is even usable through battle-locks or even impairements. Which throws a whole new strat when fighting against these deadly ninjas of the mist.
Daihatsu Esse

Last edited by grimm; 03-10-2011 at 02:49 AM.
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